My hop, skip and leap across the Atlantic, and all the crazy that comes with it!

Friday, October 5, 2007

In which John and I discover our heritage

In the past week, John and I have eaten potatoes with five consecutive meals. We have also drunk an entire 26 (actually 700mL, because they cheat you on your liquor in this country) of whisky. Our Irish heritage is starting to show...


Anonymous said...

i fully support the tater devouring. i'm being routinely mocked here for eating taters every day....boiled, baked, mashed, raw....i love me my taters! and now i can enjoy them even more knowing that you are doing the same...tater bonding!

Anonymous said...

I am not irish, yet I insisted on making an entire 10 pound bag of mashed potatoes at thanksgiving solely for the purpose of beingable to live off them for the rest of the week. I also have a vat of lefotver gravy. It is pretty glorious.